13th Annual Chicago Anarchist Film Festival Now Seeks Entries

13th Annual Chicago Anarchist Film Festival Now Seeks Entries

By admin | Published: October 22, 2012

Chicago Anarchist Film Festival organizers now seek videos to include in the 13th Chicago Anarchist Film Festival. For the 13th year, April 26-28, 2013 the Chicago Anarchist Film Festival will present the works of un- and under-distributed filmmakers world wide, who are engaged in providing radical entertainment, documenting social change, and projecting a world that could be. This is a film festival with an anarchist vision. We invite you to share your images and stories that reveal and invigorate a rich anarchist presence in society.

All entries must be submitted with an entry form. A contributors statement and promotional material is appreciated. Please indicate availability and interest in attending the festival.

Submissions should be DVD (2 copies, any zone) or vhs (pal or ntsc). Videos that you would like to submit electronically we will watch, but if selected we must receive hard copies to avoid technical problems. Selection is based on time allocation, relevance, quality and resonance. There are no rewards or prizes beyond our appreciation and heartfelt thanks, but we will be collecting audience feedback which can be provided to contributors on request. All entrants will be updated on the status of their submissions as soon as possible. We ask the contributions be made with the anarchist spirit of community and celebration with which they will be received. Solidarity!

Shipping costs are the responsibility of the entrants. Videos will be returned upon request. To ensure prompt return of material, please enclose $3 per submission. Otherwise material submitted to the festival will become part of the CAFF library catalog and/or donated to a suitable community recipient.

Chicago Anarchist Film Festival (CAFF)
1321 N Milwaukee Ave #453
Chicago IL 60642

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